4094 Main Street, Suite 202
Hillard, Ohio 43026


Types of Issues I have experience with


Anxiety and Stress


Trauma history including PTSD (I am certified in EMDR)

Abuse background


Healthy boundaries

Divorce/blended families


Deepening understanding of oneself/confidence/self-esteem

Addictions (usually in conjunction with AA or a similar group)

Children experiencing anxiety, impact of a divorce, depression

Adolescents with anxiety and depression

Why Play Therapy?

When I work with children I do so in a play environment because that is the realm in which they think and live. They express themselves often in what and how they act more than words.


I firmly believe a problem with a child or teen bleeds into family life and my philosophy is to include parents in treatment. You are the best resource for your child. Please expect this. In a divorce or custody situation both parents must give legal consent for the child to see me for therapy.